Monday, November 30, 2009

Day 40

Breakfast @ 8.00am
2 pcs of Jacob
1 slice of cheese
1 whole apple
450 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 3.00pm
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)
600 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 6.30pm
2 pcs of IKO biscuit
1 whole orange
1 bowl of maggi sup sayur (1/2 maggi only)

Before bedtime
550 ml H2o (warm)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 39

Breakfast @ 11.30am
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)
500 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 3.00pm
1 bowl of sup sayur campur tahu
2 pcs of IKO biscuit

In between
450 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 8.30pm
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)
1000 ml H2o (warm)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Day 38

Breakfast @ 9.00am
1 whole orange
1 slice of Wholemeal bread + tuna
500 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 12.30pm
2 pc of IKO biscuit
2 glasses of H2o (warm)

@ Alamanda (3.00pm)
1 regular cup of Milo (cold)
pop corn (share with ju and elma)

Dinner @ 6.25pm ( Burger King Restaurant)
1 whole Grilled Chicken burger (sedapppppp!~)
1 regular onion ring

(TQ-Burger King :D )

@ Home (9.30pm)
250 ml of Peel Fresh orange juice
1 whole orange
2 glasses of H2o (warm)

Note : Day 2 without Jusmate5

Friday, November 27, 2009

Day 37

(TQ- Mr.Google)

Hari ini hari raya.Saya nak ucapkan Salam Aidil Adha kepada semua umat Islam di seluruh dunia.Moga pengorbanan kita sentiasa mendapat rahmat dan diberkati oleh-Nya.Raya tahun ini saya tidak berkesempatan untuk solat raya di surau.Terbangun lewat,pukul 7.00 am baru terjaga.Solat sunat raya dirumah sahaja.Mak saya dah siap masak kuah kacang dan nasi impit.Sementara tunggu parents saya balik daripada surau,saya hidangkan nasi impit dan kuah kacang atas meja.

Nyehnyehnyeh..kuah kacang + nasi impit kesukaan saya.I will eat them tanpa henti.Tapi kali ini alhamdulillah,nafsu berjaya dikawal.Saya tengokpun tidak terasa sgt nak makan.hehehe...syabas!Saya cuma makan 2 kiub nasi impit dan 1/4 kuah kacang sahaja.Lupa nak ambil gambar :p..Sebelum makan nasi impit,saya makan 1 biji buah limau dan 3 potong buah epal.Nyum...nyum...sedap :D.Lepas tu baru minum 450ml H2o,suam.

Untuk lunch pula,saya makan 1 biji limau dan 4 kpg biskut IKO dan minum 3 gelas H2o (suam).Dinner pula,saya makan beberapa kpg biskut jacob bersama sambal ikan bilis.Hehe...sedap juga :p..lepas tu hirup 1/4 sup ayam.Pukul 9 malam,saya makan sebiji epal.Minum 450 ml H2o (suam).

Overall,food untuk hari ke-37,banyak makan buah-buahan dan cereal (biskut).Dah nak tidur baru saya teringat,terlupa nak minum Jusmate :p ahahah Oklah,esok kena lebih displin lagi.

All the best Teacher Shikin!

Teacher Shikin

Note: Day 1 without Jusmate5

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Day 36

Breakfast @ 8.00am
2pc of IKO Sesame Oat Calsium Cracker
1pc of chicken finger
1pc of chicken nugget
1 whole orange
450 ml H2o (warm)

In between
2 glasses of H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 2.30pm
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)
600 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 7.00pm
1 slice of Wholemeal bread
1 slice of cheese
1/4 sayur tahu campur
1 bowl of mix fruit salad (apple + orange)

In between
500 ml H2o (warm)

Before bedtime
500 ml H2o (warm)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day 35

Breakfast @ 8.00am
2 pcs of IKO Sesame Oat Calcium Cracker
1 pc of potato bun
450 ml Orange Juice (home made juice - no sugar added)

In between
500 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 2.30pm
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)

In between
1000 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 6.30pm
1 bowl of fruits salad ( 1 small apple + 1 orange)
2 pcs of IKO pumpkin Oat Calcium Cracker

** pic later...tak dpt nak transfer lagi **

Before bedtime
1000 ml H2o (warm)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 34

Breakfast @ 8.00pm
3 pcs of jacob cracker + tuna
500 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 12.30pm
2 pcs Jacob Cracker
2 glasses of H2o (warm)

Teatime @ 3.30pm
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)
500 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 6.30pm
1 bowl of Mee Negro (yesterday 1/2 maggi left over)
1 glass of H2o (warm)

Eating soup-based food really relaxing.For tonight's menu,I cooked yesterday's left over maggi mee but I didn't use the instant seasoning.I made my own soup recipe.I added brocoli,mushrooms and chicken balls.Ah..sedappppppppppppppp!! :D

In between
3 glasses of H2o (warm)

Before bedtime
500 ml H2o (warm)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 33

Breakfast @ 8.00am
2 slices of wholemeal bread + tuna
2 pcs of chicken nugget
500 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 2.30pm
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)
1000 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 6.00pm
1 bowl of Megi Kari (1/2 megi sahaja)
1 glass of H2o (warm)

I cooked maggi curry for my dinner.I just took 1/2 of maggi and cooked it with mashrooms,chicken balls and sayur kacang buncis.Nyumnyum...sedappppppppppppppp!!! Just realized that it has been a long time i never eat maggi. (Wow..ini sudah bagus ye tak? :p )

Snack @ 8.30pm
1 biji mangga kuning
1 glass of H2o (warm)

Before bedtime
550 ml H2o (warm)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day 32

Breakfast @ 10.30am
4 pcs of IKO biscuit
1 whole orange (stok orange sudah habis,jap lagi nak beli :D)
550 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch 3.30pm
1 bowl of Oregano Mashroom Soup (mkn sup lagi,nak habiskan cendawan :p )
550 ml H2o (warm)

In between
1000 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 8.00pm
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)
550 ml H2o (warm)

Before bedtime
600 ml H2o (warm)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Oregano Mashroom Soup

Menu : Oregano Mashroom Soup

Resipi ini sangat mudah.Rebus sahaja.Tidak ada penggunaan minyak,petrol mahupun gas beracun :p Sangat sesuai bagi mereka yang sedang on diet.Kalau rasa nak cuba..boleh tgk resipinya di bawah :p Kalau tak sedap,jangan salahkan saya..tapi salahkan tukang masak ok? hahah :p

Bahan-bahan :
6 kpg cendewan putih (koyak-koyakkan cendawan)
4 btg kacang buncis (potong)
1/2 bawah besar (hiris tebal)
6 bebola ayam (potong 2)
secubit kiub ayam +garam (perasa)
1/2 sudu kecil serbuk Oregano
1 gelas air (utk buat sup) *yang ni pandai-pandailah nak guna air byk mana :D

Didihkan air dalam kuali/periuk.
Apabila air sudah mendidih,masukkan bebola ayam.Biarkan seketika hingga bebola ayam masak.
Masukkan kacang buncis.Kemudian masukkan cendawan.Kacau.
Masukkan secubit kiub ayam dan garam.Kacau rata.
Akhir sekali,masukkan bawang besar dan serbuk Oregano.Kacau dan biarkan seketika.
Tutup api dan sedia untuk dimakan :p

* Selamat Mencuba *

Day 31

Breakfast @ 9.00am
1 whole orange
1 slice of wholemeal bread + 1 slice cheese
1 genggam sayur pucuk kacang + sedikit mayo
700 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 4.00pm
1 bowl of Oregano Mashroom Soup
2 slices of orange (masam rasanya :( )

Before bedtime
450ml Jusmate 5 (cold)
2000 ml H2o (warm)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Day 30

Breakfast @ 8.15am
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)
550 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 12.30pm
1 whole roti krim janggung (gardenia)
1 whole orange
550 ml H2o (warm)

In between
700 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 6.00pm ( dinner at A&W Alamanda with my Sultan :D )
1 ice-cream waffle (x sedap!A&W tipu...waffle keras mcm batu :( )
1 cheese burger
3 pcs of onion ring
beberapa kentang goreng
500 ml H2o (cold)

At home
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)
1000 ml H2o (warm)

Progress 2

Hari ini genap 30 hari/sebulan saya minum Jusmate5.Sekejap je dah sebulan.Yeah!Selepas sahaja mandi,saya timbang berat tanpa berpakaian :p hehe..alhamdulillah ada perubahan lagi.Semua bahagian badan sudah mengecil :p Result BMI pun sudah turun lagi.

BMI Result

Day 30 (20.11.2009) Yeah!~ Congrats :D

Below are my body weight and measurements :

Day 24 (14.11.2009)

Weight : 59kg
Chest : -
Waist : 38 inch
Thighs : -

Day 30 (20.11.2009)

Weight : 57kg  -2 kg
Chest :   -1 inch
Waist : 30 inch  -1
Hips :  -1 inch
Thighs :   -1 inch

Good Job! Thank you Allah and Thank you Jusmate :D

Note : How to calculate BIM?  <-- click here!~ TQ :D

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day 29

Breakfast @ 8.00am
2 slices of wholemeal bread (eat with 1 slice of cheese + butter spread)
1 whole orange
550 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 3.00pm
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)
700 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 6.00pm
1 whole roti krim jagung (gardenia)
1 small bowl of sup cendawan
6 pcs of papaya (potong cube - 2 dah ngap :D )

In between
1000 ml H2o (warm)

Before bedtime
500 ml H2o (warm)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day 28

Breakfast @ 8.15am
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)
550 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 1.30pm
4 pcs of jacob cracker
2 slices of cheese
550 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 6.00pm
1 pc of drumstik (small,masak kari)
1 whole orange
1 slice of mango
1000 ml H2o (warm)

Before bedtime
450 ml jusmate (cold)
550 ml H2o (warm)

**Red flag day 9**

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day 27

Breakfast @ 8.00am
3 pcs of Oat Krunch
1 pc of choc cake (potong nipis)
500 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 2.15pm
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)
700 ml H2o (warm)

Teatime @ 5.00pm
1 small of goreng pisang
1 pc of keledek goreng
250 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 9.00pm
1 small bowl of mushroom soup
500 ml H2o (warm)
(makan lambat malam ini.ada emergency di rumah,abah kena sengat lebah)

**Red flag day 8**

Monday, November 16, 2009

Day 26

Breakfast @ 8.00pm
Tuna crackers ( 3 pcs of Jacob + tuna)
550 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 1.00pm
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)
600 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 6.20pm
1 bowl of seafood kay teaw ( had dinner with jurina at Little Wok,Alamanda)
1 regular cup of milo (cold)

At home @ 11.00pm
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)

Before bedtime
1000ml H2o (warm)

**Red flag day 7**

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 25

Breakfast @ 9.45am
3 pcs of Oat Krunch
Tuna crackers ( 3 pcs of Jacob + tuna )
500 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 2.00pm
450 jusmate5 (cold)
500 ml H2o (warm)

In between
1000 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 6.00pm
1 small bowl of sup sayur telur
350 ml H2o (warm)

Snack @ 8.30pm
1 small cup of popcorn (sedap juga popcorn mydin :D )

Before bedtime
1000 ml H2o (warm)

**Red flag day 6**

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day 24

Breakfast @ 8.00am
Tuna crackers ( 2 pcs of jacob cracker + tuna )
550 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 2.00pm
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)

In between
600 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 6.00pm
KemYurSup ( 1 ekor ikan kembung + sayur + bawang besar + bawang putih )

Dinner untuk hari ini saya masak sup sayur ikan.Sebelum ini selalu mix dengan ayam or chicken ball.Di sebabkan chicken ball sudah habis,saya masak dengan ikan.Setiap kali saya masak sup..saya rebuskan semua bahan2.Saya tak tumis.Hehe....kurangkan makanan berminyak :p Betul kata arwah tok saya,if makan makanan yang rebus  badan jadi fresh :D

Before bedtime
1000 ml H2o (warm)

**Red flah day 5**

Progress 1

Day 1 (22.10.2009)

Day 24 (14.11.2009) Yeah!~ BMI turun 1 :D


Alhamdulillah ada progress yang positif after 24 days with Jusmate5.Happy bila calculate BMI ada penurunan walaupun 1 sahaja.Suka bila comment tu jadi "normal" :D Bukan sahaja penurunan BMI tapi berat badan juga ada perubahan.Alhamdulillah,turun  4 kg dalam masa 24 hari.Yes,perut dah kempis,peha dah kempis...pinggang sudah mengecil juga :D Seluar jeans tidak sendat lagi..sudah longgar sedikit :D Mari tengok berapa inch saya susut ye? :D

Day 1 (22.10.2009)

Weight : 62kg
Chest : -
Waist : 33 inch
Hips : -
Thighs :-

Day 24 (14.11.2009)

Weight : 59kg -2 kg
Chest :   -1"
Waist : 31 inch -2"
Hips : -2"
Thighs : -1.5"

Good Job!Thank you Allah and Thank you Jusmate :D

Note : How to calculate BMI, you can click here

Friday, November 13, 2009

Day 23

Breakfast @ 8.15am
Cheese crackers ( 2 pcs of jacob cracker + 1 slice of cheese)
1 whole orange
550 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 2.30pm
3 pcs of Oat Krunch
1 glass of H2o (warm)

Teatime @ 4.30pm
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)

Dinner @ 8.30pm
Mr.Bean Islan ( 2 genggam sayur Tau Miu + baked beans + 1 small drummet)
500 ml H2o (warm)

Before bedtime
500 ml H2o (warm)

**Red flag day 4**

8 fat fighting foods

Combat fat!Your allies in battling buge?Foods that do the work for you.These edibles have proven lipid-melting powers that help you slim.That's a win. - By Veronica Byrd

Almonds : Almond joy!Dieters who ate 3 ounces of these nuts every day reduced their weight and boy-mass index by a solid 18 percent compared with an 11 percent drop in the no-nut group,a study in the International Journal of Obesity found.Almonds are high in alpha-linolenic acid,which can speed the metabolism of fats.Stick to 12 per serving.

Berries : Vitamin C-loaded fruit such as strawberries and raspberries can help you sizzle up to 30 percent more fat during exercise,suggests research from Arizona State Univeristy at Mesa.Blend a vinaigrette of cup berries and 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar.

Cinnamon :This spice could make your waistline nice.Sprinkling 1/4 teaspoon on your food may prevent a postmeal insulin spike-this increase normally occurs after you eat and 'signals the body that it should store fat rather than burn it."explains Lauren Slayton,R.D,of New York City.Add a dash to your oatmeal,yogurt or coffee.

Mustard :Hello,yellow.The spice that gives mustard its color,turmeric,may slow the growth of fat tissues,a study in the journal Endocrinology notes.Eighty-siz mayo in favor of any mustard.sprinkle turmeric on cauliflower and roast for a tangy side.

Oranges: Prevent pound creep with this citrus star.It contains fat=torching compounds called flavones.Women who ate the most flavones had a significantly lower increase in body fat over a 14-years period,a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition finds.Snack on slices or drink freshly squeezed OJ (with pulp!) the biggest payback.

Soybeans :These green gems are rich in choline,a compound that blocks fat absorption and breaks down fatty deposits.Add 1/2 cup edamame to a salad.

Sweet potatoes :Trade up to sweet taters.They're high in fibre,which means no drastic insulin jumps and thus less fat packed onto your hips.Bake a small sweet potato-think of two bars of soap as a portion size-and top with a dollop of lowfat or nonfat cottage cheese.

Swiss cheese :Holy cow: "Calcium-rich foods reduce fat-producing enzymes and increase fat breakdown,"says Michael B.Zemel,Ph.D,director of the Nutrition Institute at the University Of Tennessee at Knoxville.Put toe to toe with some of its cheesy counterparts,Swiss in a heavy hitter in the calcium department;layer a slice on a lunchtime sandwich,or stack some on high-fibre crackers.

Taken from : Healthy Living -

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day 22

Breakfast @ 8.15am
450 ml Jumsate5 (cold)
500 ml H2o (warm)

In between
500 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 2.00pm
1 slice of Wholegrain Fibremeal bread
1 slice of cheese
250 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 7.30pm
Secubit telur dadar
5 pcs of sayur terung goreng
1 whole orange
500 ml H2o (warm)

Before bedtime
500 ml H2o (warm)

**Red flag day 3**

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day 21

Breakfast @ 8.00am
1 slice of wholegrain fibremeal bread
1 slice of cheese
1/2 green apple
3 pcs of Oat Krunch
700 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 2.00pm
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)

In between
550 ml H2o (warm)

Teatime @ 6.00pm
1 whole orange
1/4 meehun goreng
2 slices of durian cake (potong nipis)

Dinner @ 9.00pm
1 bowl of Seafood Tom Yam
1 glass of fresh orange

Before bedtime
500 ml H2o (warm)

** Red Flag day 2 **

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 20

Breakfast @ 7.4 am
Cheese crackers (2 pcs of jacob cracker + 1 slice of cheese)
2 slices of green apple
600 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 2.30pm
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)

In between
550 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 6.00pm
Mr.Bean Island  (1/4 baked beans + segenggam sayur Tau miu + 6 pcs chicken vegie balls + sedikit mayo)

Sudah lama tidak ambil gambar menu :p beli sayur Tau Miu last sunday,hari ini baru dapat buat untuk makan :D Ratah dengan baked beans.Baked beans pun dah bertahun lamanya tak makan :p sedappp...i like Tau Miu ;) Kenapa nama Mr.Bean Island?erm..jom tanya dia :p

Before bedtime
1000 ml H2o (warm)

**Red flag day 1**

Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 19

Breakfast @ 7.45am
Crackers cheese
(2 pcs of jacob cracker + 1 slice of cheese)
1 whole green apple
450 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 2.30 pm
1/4 sayur kubis ayam
6 slices of dragon fruit
3 glasses of air kelapa muda

Dinner @ 7.15pm
Meratah isi kelapa muda
250 ml H2o (warm)

@ 10.00 pm
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)
1000 ml H2o (warm)

Before bedtime
500 ml H2o (warm)
1 glass of air kelapa muda

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Day 18

Breakfast @ 10.00am
3pcs of Oat Krunch
1 small bowl of sup sayur chicken mix vegie

In between
1000 ml H2o (warm)


Lunch @ 4.00pm
1 pizza bread
2 chicken pizza breads
400 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 8.00pm
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)
500 ml H2o (warm)

Before bedtime
500 ml H2o (warm)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day 17

Breakfast @ 7.45am
1 whole pranhe
3 pcs Oat Krunch
500 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 1.45pm
1/2 mee goreng
1 small pc ayam kari
2 pcs of Jacob cracker

In between
500 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 6.00pm
450 ml Jusmate5 (cold)
500 ml H2o (warm)

@ 9.00pm
1/4 nasi putih (sayang nak buang..jadi saya habiskan :( )
1 ketul drumstik (small)
1 whole orange

Before bedtime
550 ml H2o (warm)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Day 16

Breakfast @ 8.00 am
1/2 orange
3 pcs of Oat Krunch
500 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 11.00 am
1 bungkus Nasi Lemak
(Aduhai...tergoda :p makan jugak :p)

At home
400 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 6.00 pm
450 ml jusmate5 (cold)

In between
500 ml H2o (warm)

Before bedtime
600 ml H2o (warm)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 15

Breakfast @ 8.00 am
1 whole orange
3 pcs of Oat Krunch (munchy's) nyum nyum nyum :D
550 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 2.00 pm
450 ml jusmate5 (cold)
1000 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 6.30 pm
1 bowl of sup sayur chicken vege balls

In between
500 ml H2o (warm)

Before bedtime
1000 ml H2o (warm)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day 14

Breakfast @ 8.00 am
1 whole orange
2 pcs of jacob cracker
1 slice of cheese
1 pc of chicken nugget
500 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 3.00 pm
1 plate of rice
serunding ikan (banyak juga makan :p )

** waktu ini saya stress dengan kerja..belasah makan nasi dengan banyak bersama serunding,malang sekali selepas 30 minit saya muntah :( **

Dinner @ 6.00 pm
450 ml jusmate5 (cold)
1000 ml H2o (warm)

Birthday party @ 9.00 pm
2 slices of yougurt cheese cake
1500 ml H2o (warm)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day 13

Breakfast @ 8.00 am
2 pcs of jacob cracker
1 slice of cheese
450 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @ 4.00 pm
450 ml jusmate5 (cold)
500 ml H2o (warm)

In between
1000 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 7.00 pm
1/2 bowl of sup sayur ayam (yesterday left over)
1 whole orange

Before bedtime
1000 ml H2o (warm)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Day 12

Breakfast @ 7.40am
1 slice of cheese
3 slices of green apple
400 ml H2o (warm)

At school
1 biji telur goreng
1 small coppie cake
1000 ml H2o (warm)

At home @ 6.00pm
450 ml jusmate5 (cold)
500 ml H2o (warm)

Dinner @ 9.00pm
1/2 bowl of sup sayur ayam
2 slices of green apple
6 pcs of kacang botak

Before bedtime
550 ml H2o (warm)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 11

Breakfast @ 9.00 am
1 whole orange
1/4 mee goreng
500 ml H2o (warm)

Lunch @12.00 pm (Secret Recipes,Jusco Balakong)
1 plate of ikan dori (erk...x ingat nama menu tu apa :p)
1 glass of choc banana
Ice-cream smarties (share with my Sultan)

In between
1 glass of H2o (warm)

At home
450 ml H2o (warm)

Before bedtime
450 ml jusmate5 (cold)
1000 ml H2o (warm)